Backlit citrus leaf

Playing with the camera in the backyard, this leaf cluster of a pink lemon tree caught my eye as it was backlit by the setting sun. I added some intencional camera movement, to create a bit more drama in the image.

Specific Feedback Requested

Is it anything that catches your eye? Is it too dark?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No


For me, this is both stunning and peaceful … a difficult combination. It invites exploration for a long time, The dark and light and camera movement all work in harmony, for me. This is a very fine artistic work I think. A fine use of Chiaroscuro.

A very interesting image, JFritz. The backlighting and the camera movement work well together on this subject.

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Looks like a magic moment for lighting. I’d love to see a version without the movement if you have it. For me it just doesn’t contribute, especially due to the pronounced horizontal lines.

Hi Diane. I was actually wondering the same thing, so here is a version without the ICM. I do like the lighting, but to me, I think the blur effect of the first version keeps my attention a bit longer… Your thought? Sorry it took so long to answer.

It’s an interesting image. I wonder about other creative effects – maybe an Orton treatment – there are a lot of possibilities that might work well with the organic nature of a leaf. I like the warming of the original but that is easy to achieve with other effects.