Cosmos 1-18

Excellent :-). I wondered if you’d see my first post before the think-twice moment, LOL! Happy to share again, and I appreciate your sharing what good practices are w/regard to posting.

What I initially commented for context:
These aren’t put out there as anything serious; a friend and I do a weekly still life photo challenge during the winter, and these are the result of the themes “water” (first two) and “circles” (third image). The goal is to stretch creatively and try new ideas… practice, not art. I had no idea what I was doing with these, so it was a lot of trial and error. Sometime I’ll go back to try this again and take what I learned to be more intentional about what I create. Anyway, enough disclaimers!

I put water and some oil in a flattish Pyrex glass container and propped it up a few inches over the iPad. I put a layer of Seran (sp?) wrap around the iPad to protect in case the unthinkable happened. Queued up a fractal video and set the play speed to half-time.

Thanks again for asking, interested in any more of your thoughts on set-up that worked for you.

Thanks, Beth

All three make very nice abstracts.

The first one kind of looks like Rice Crispy Treats that were colored with various flavors of food coloring. I like the smeared oily streaks, it’s like the oil was smeared around with your fingers, then sprinkled with droplets of water and color. I assume the dark stripes separating it into three segments were created by black lines in the video?

The second one looks like it was made basically the same way but the video makes it look like a rectangular kaleidoscope. Different smearing patterns too.

The third one is really appealing to me, not sure if it’s the colored stripes running through the circles of water or ?.
I like the sharp textured section in the large circle mixed with the smaller, smoother colors and circles.
It looks like the water drops are sort of “laying” down flat-ish as opposed to being more sphere shaped, I assume the oil is what keeps them from merging completely?

I’m probably way off on my thoughts of how they were created but it’s fun imagining how they were done.

Who says water and oil don’t mix :smiley:

I don’t know if I have any additional setup info that you’re not already aware of but I will experiment more with something along the lines of these as a new starting point, and I will certainly share any new discoveries with you and others.

These are certainly good for practice and creativity expansion opportunities but they can also be art in may ways.

Thank you so much for sharing and for engaging! :slight_smile: