Ice cold Faceoff

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Found these two having a “discussion” in the ice on my backyard pond/stream with bits of birefringence adding some colors.

Technical Details

A polarizer is required to see birefringence.

The two creatures most definitely look like they are deep in conversation, Mark. Love the bit of color created by the birefringence and those eyes!

Absolutely can see this one, Mark. The extended neck and head on the right looks like Superman. The left head looks like a big cat either panther or puma…very nice find… :sunglasses:

A really cool :grimacing: find here Mark and it looks like a somewhat heated discussion too. The guy on the left seems to be cowering in the face of an onslaught but reluctant to come to an agreement. A story in every photo!