Intimate Landscapes by Elliot Porter


Eliot Porter

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Is this your favorite Eliot Porter book?

Thus far it is the only one I have, do you have other recommendations?

No really. I lost my copy of his book with the long title In Wilderness was the Preservation of the World. I was thinking of getting this one though. I sort of wanted one book that had his best work in a coffee table size so that the prints are well sized.

That looks excellent as well, I just picked up a used one on Amazon for $4.

Here’s a quick flip through this book, I think it would fit the bill for you rather nicely.

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Wow, that’s a bargain. The cheapest Used one I see is $70-80!

I wish I got it that cheap! I was referring to In Wildness is the Preservation of the World that Igor mentioned. I believe I found my copy of Intimate Landscapes on ebay for $50 or so.

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