Milky Way Night

I’m not sure if this is one of my favorites from this year, but of the photos I took this summer of the Milky Way, it’s one of my favorites. It reminds me of the 4 times I went to the Sierras at the new moon to try to capture the night sky. What a challenge! But so rewarding to see what the camera sensor can pick up when it is really dark. I still have a lot to learn about it, but it’s such a fun thing to “work” on.

ISO3200, f/1.8, 24mm, 24 seconds.

Kathy, you’ve got a great star field here. Yes, it’s pretty amazing what camera sensors can pick up and night time photography is a special world. In this case, the lights on the ridge and the hints of the stone in the foreground were likely to be unnoticed as you viewed the scene. I also like the reflected starlight. Wish I could see a larger version, there’s a lot to look at here.

Very cool, Kathy. I like that you didn’t try to keep the stars as points and gave the image a little time. The reflections in the water are great. What caused the light on the trees?

This is very charming image. Full of intrigue and mystery. I like the strong blacks which help convey the nighttime feeling.