Naselle River

The Naselle River is located in SW Washington. It is affected by tides. At high tide in some places areas flood that are dry at low tide. It offers lots of photo opportunities because of tides and wet climate.

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5D MK IV; 1/80th; 70/200 @ 105; 9.0; -2/3; 400 ISO; spot; WB Cloudy. Some sharpening and slight crop.

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Hi Jim, this is a great scene with an awesome reflection. Nicely done. I will have to get out here one of these days to check it out.

This is a very well done reflection image Jim. The off-center reflection makes It feel very very dynamic, and not static. The sweet light on the grass on the bank of the river is very appealing, and it helps pull the viewers eye across the scene. you really nailed the color of those sunlit grasses, they are gorgeous. My only suggestion would be to slightly darken the reflection in the lower right quadrant, I think it help hold the viewers eyes on the sweet light on the grasses and alders. Great image, it really is all about the light, which is wonderful.

Well done! I love that more of the trees show in the reflection than in the part above the reflection – I’m totally missing a way to explain that but I’m sure it’s obvious what I mean. Somebody help me out here!

I think its because the actual trees are not all in the same plane, there are some some set further back than others, making the ones in front appear more prominent. But in the reflection they are all in the same plane of the waters surface, making them all appear equally prominent. I could be wrong, but thats the best theory I have.

Thank you all for commenting. It is greatly appreciated. Ed thanks for the suggestion; once you mentioned it my eyes kept gravitating to that area. Needs darkening.