Rachel Carson Conservation Park

I have 4 local spots that I can get to in less than 30 minutes, that I visit routinely. They range from a national park to this county park. This is a look along the Hawlings river in Maryland from last fall. The main attractions here are the spring wildflowers and the peacefulness, that I’ve tried to capture here. (5D3, 24-105 @ 55, 1/80 s, f/13, iso 800, tripod and polarizer)


Looks like a nice, peaceful place, Mark. Sometimes these little urban parks can be teaming with wildlife, as well. Water is always a plus, both for it’s ability to lend peacefulness to the scene, and for wildlife.

This does look peaceful, Mark. I could just sit and enjoy for a good while. Be even better with the camera though!

Does look like a lovely place to sit and ponder . . .and take photos, Mark. Lucky you’ve got this so close.

Great little peaceful spot, Mark. Great to have places like this close to home. They sure help with one’s outlook on life!

Looks like a wonderful refuge for a lot of things; human and non alike. Each season must bring new things and discoveries.

What a lovely spot. I had favorite spots like this in Griffith Park, Los Angeles when I was young. I would sometimes ditch school and spend a day wandering around. Parents couldn’t figure me out.

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