The Disney Concert Hall redux

The challenge this week was a no-brainer after I had been rummaging through the Disney Concert Hall shoot. But I was distressed to find I had concentrated on the contours of the building and largely neglected to zero in on frame-filling reflections. It was frustratingly difficult to get the camera angles I wanted. This is about half a frame – the best I could do for a pure reflection.

Specific Feedback Requested

All comments welcome!

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 5D3, 24-70 f/2.8 at 70, f/16, 1/125, ISO 200. Cropped from the left and distorted to make the verticals on the left vertical, then stretched to the left. Color left as shot but enhanced by Nik Detail Extractor and Pro Contrast.

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Since I’ve never been to Disney World, I have no frame of reference for this and so it’s one for the imagination rather than nostalgia. It seems to curve and bend away from me - the layers get slimmer toward the distance. The bendy lines contrast beautifully with the severe, straight ones and the overall blue hues convey a sense of peace and endings.

Thanks @Kris_Smith – this is the Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown LA. I’ve changed the title to be more specific. This is a glancing view along a curved wall that is reflecting a facing wall.

Thanks for the explanation- never been there either- cities are not my thing.

Diane, the mix of hard/straight and curvy lines looks great. I also like how you’ve angled the panels. The distortion feels like an angled view of this wall from up close.