"Ya want ironin, ya got ironin" +1

Probably between 6 and 7pm. I think you’re right. I don’t want the blues sky to be so strong that it pulls the eye towards it. The rocks should be the main focus here. Usually these things get sorted out for me in the print. For some reason I see the an image’s weaknesses much better when I’m holding it in my hand.

Yea I do too many redos and end up liking the first or second go. Beatiful place to go, if it’s close.

Very late to this party Igor, but this image really speaks to me. This one just really sings. I think the vegetation throughout the scene has such great texture and delicacy. I also think that practically all the elements of the scene are complementary to the soft, glowing, directional light. You have pulled off something very difficult in that there is strong movement in the visual elements, but also great solidity and balance. Simply, really well done in my humble opinion.

To be honest, I prefer the original over the other reworks to date. This image just has such a wonderfully natural expression of desert tones…in particular I think this scene looks and feels best in the warmer tone of the original. Your original description is apt…it looks effortless and it looks like it is not trying to be supernatural or surreal or dramatic…just like nature is, 99% of the time.

I do humbly submit another rework - I feel like my only criticism of the image is the somewhat washed out sky that you noted (and similarly hazy distant ridgeline)…so I brought down a couple of graduated filters from the top to darken the top of the frame and give it a bit more structure but desaturating some of the pastel blues (while also still trying to complement the directional light). I also applied a gentle vignetting. I think these serve to reorient the eye to the central stone spire and the boulders and vegetation in the center of the frame. Very subjective of course, and frankly I would happily hang the original on my wall as well.

Really dig this one, had fun playing with the quick edit, and I thank you for sharing.

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