About the Non-Nature Critiques category

Moderators in this category: @David_Bostock
Read the full description…

The Non-Nature photo critique gallery is intended for all non-nature photos. As long as it’s G-rated, non-offensive and suitable for all viewers, anything goes.

Please review the NPN Posting Guidelines for additional guidance and information. If you see a post in conflict with our Posting Guidelines, please flag the post and a moderator will be notified.

By default, all posts from the Non-Nature category have notifications set to ‘muted’ which means they will not show up in your ‘Latest’ feed, etc. This is because NPN is dedicated to nature photography, therefore most people will not want to see them by default and those that do can turn the notifications on.

To turn the notifications back on simply visit your preferences page and remove these categories from the ‘muted’ section. That’s it, now they will show up in all your feeds. If you want to be notified of every post in one of these categories you can add them to the ‘Tracked’ section.