Another Laguna flood event + RP

And with the water blurred – not as good as doing it for real. Made the trees a little darker, too. Thanks for the suggestion!

This was from 2014, 6 years after the previous three I posted.

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Pano stitch of about 4-5 frames with a lot of overlap. Minimal tonal work in LR; into PS for denoise and some cloning of debris in the water.

Great image as it is! One alternative could have been to use a longer shutter speed to blur the water to get an even more mysterious feel.

Another cool one for sure. I agree with Ola about maybe blurring the water - I did the same thing with a fog photo of mine and a little Photoshop magic improved it quite a bit. Yours is more dramatic though with that majestic line of trees. It’s like they’re on the march. Not sure about the stump (?) in the water. Would play with cloning it out. Great fog !

Another beauty. I love taking photos of trees and the mystical looks are always my favorites. The lighting is very nice. I agree with @Kris_Smith that the larger bunch of brush in the water is a little distracting. The smaller brush seems fine. Really like this one too. Great job.

Thanks @Ola_Jovall, @Kris_Smith and @Donna_Callais! I have no idea why I didn’t do longer exposures to blur the water. Duh… But I could do some in post. Duh… After cleaning up a lot of little pieces of junk I decided to leave the one piece of brush so it didn’t look suspiciously cleaned-up. Easy to have it both ways with an extra layer. Will put up a RP in a few minutes.