Big Cypress Preserve 8



I love all the strange plant life in South Florida swamps

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It’s like Clyde Butcher working in color!

Triffids galore!

I was similarly entranced by the “alien” plant life in the cypress lakes I’ve visited. Very nice arrangement here although the vignette is a tad strong and the greens look a bit too vivid on the edges compared to the leaves in the center. The dead tree trunks offset all that green rather well.

Thanks @Kris_Smith and @StephenPrunier
Funny you should mention Clyde Butcher this image was made on his property behind the US 41 gallery. If you get down to the Big Cypress take a photo walk with Scott he is a super guide.
The trees are not dead they are Blad Cypress these are young healthy only about 100 years old. They get the white look when the water is low. An interesting fact they are close relatives of Redwoods.

This is from the same trip more of a tribute to Clyde

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