Bird in the snow

A very common species, nothing special, an ordinary chaffinch. What I like is the setting, the main color of the bird is reflected in the brown leaves. Apart from the bird, the leaves are more or less the only other color in the image, because of the snow.

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Technical Details

Pentax K3 Mk. III, Sigma 4/100-300 + TC2 @250x2mm, f11 (5.6x2), 1/200sec, ISO 1600.
The BG was a blurred, because there was some OOF but distracting mesh visible.


You are right, Han, how the background and the bird look like they have been carefully choreograph by National Geographic! Nicely done.

A very nice capture of this finch, Han! I love that the bird’s colors match the leaves so perfectly! Good composition and clarity also.

Thank you @linda_mellor and @Gary_Minish for your comments. Glad that you like it.

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What a warm and inviting birdscape if I can make up such a term. The complimentary colors make this work - both in bird and foliage and in the soft gray-green background. Just lovely.

What a lovely bird image! Like it a lot. The color scheme is just perfect, with the matching colors of the bird and the leaves. One idea could be to tone down the vertical green part above the bird and make it more grey-ish as the other green areas.

Han, I agree that the color match between the bird and the leaves makes this view special. It’s warm and inviting in spite of all the snow.

Thank you @Kris_Smith , @Ola_Jovall and @Mark_Seaver .
Interesting idea Ola to tone down the green above the bird. A quick try on the image posted for NPN brings something like this:

I also cloned out the small greenish spot below the bird.