Black Oak flowering

Then I tried B/W – that didn’t work for me, although there was a lot of leeway in the adjustments.

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is what I was after yesterday when I settled for a Lace Lichen. This morning I went farther along the hillside and found a branch in the clear with a good eye-level view. Also found some tiny sprouting poison oak to be sprayed soon – by looking down and finding I was standing in it. Those boots are now living outside.

Specific Feedback

All comments always welcome! I’m not delighted with the lighting here, as the morning sun was already reaching this branch. The color palette feels awkward, but it is reasonably accurate.

Technical Details

Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 11.39.37 AM
Shadows raised in LR then into Zerene for a stack of 14. I didn’t quite get to the back of the farthest leaf. Into PS for a slight crop and denoise, although hardly needed.

Hmmmm… When color doesn’t work, try B/W. That didn’t work for me, either – posted above. Maybe just too much going on with the subject. But on second thought, going back and forth between the two, maybe it’s not bad…

I guess I like these creamy backgrounds, so the color image I really like . There’s an artistic appeal to the image. Most people would probably have passed this by without another thought. Very nice.

I like the color! It’s delicate and elegant. Tree flowers are so under-appreciated unless they’re dogwood or something so I’m glad you made the effort here. I think the DOF from the stack is totally fine and so is the background. To die for. And the light is nice to bring up contour and detail. The arrangement of leaves is nice to show their undersides and how they shade a little red when new.

Definitely the color for me, Diane. I just love this. That BG really makes it stand out so nice and it is complimentary as well. Nice.

I like this a lot. An almost monochromatic color palette. I feel that the morning sun hitting the leaves here gives it some life. The subject stands out from the background beautifully.

Thanks, @Allen_Brooks, @Kris_Smith, @Shirley_Freeman and @inge-andre! I was hoping to shoot more of these but got busy with a Redbud tree and I think I’ve missed the time window on them and on my Magenta Oak. Too much happens at the same time, and the only time to get decent shots is about half an hour just before sunrise, and on a day with perfectly calm air. It’s always windy by the end of the day.

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A very pleasing image and I do prefer the color version. The colors are subtle with nice highlights and soft shadows. I think that for the BW image to work is that there has to be more contrast for whites and blacks to pick up all the subtle grays. Well done…Jim

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