Caught in a lovely web of soft color

I don’t make a lot of web images anymore because I feel too many for me are often cliches. This one felt very different and still does. I have this as print in a place where I see it every day and it brings me great peace.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any and all.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Sony 6000, 1/400, f6.3, ISO3200


The gentle lines against the soft colors of the background make a very restful view, John.

Do you have the print alone or in a series? Very interesting view. I love the tiny bits of dew that look to be present, at least in the largest view. Harmonious lines bring a level of organization and pattern repetition that is opposite of your background. Nice work.

All alone. Yes, the details including the dew and bits of web really blow me away.

How lovely! It’s all so subtle - the light lines and subdued colors. I could see this rotated 90 degrees to horizontal, with the idea that horizontal lines are more calming than vertical. But it certainly works as is.

This is VERY serene John. The blurred colors , the wavy lines and the tiny dew drops are just dreamlike. I can see why you printed this and have it in a location that you get to see it everyday. Just beautiful.

Bonnie and David, your comments are very much appreciated.