Christmas Tree in Little Joe

We take our family up to the forest for an annual Christmas Tree hunt. My son-in-law has this cute little 50’s model pickup painted brown and gold (Wyoming’s team colors) and he has named the pickup “Little Joe”. I always thought it was neat to see the pickup heading out of the forest with a Christmas Tree.

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Sony RX100, ISO 200, f4, 1/100s

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This image really inspires my imagination. It seems like a classic shot, but I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen one like this. The closest I can think of is a sled going through a snowy forest. A lot of story is suggested. Really cool old truck and a beautiful scene, made even better with the little bit of sunlight that seems to kiss the tree and the truck itself.

Even without your notes, this is great storytelling in a single image. For me the multiple vertical and horizontal trunks frame the subject and also provide a fine sense of depth.
A few bright areas on the margins of the image are slight distractions.

Kelly, this would indeed make a fine holiday greeting card, with the truck and tree nicely framed. BTW, most weekly challenges run from Sunday to the following Saturday, so this post looks to be a day late for the holiday greeting challenge.

Thanks Dick. I have a tendency to miss things like bright areas in the margins. Thanks a bunch for pointing that out.

Mark, I wondered about the timing. It’s amazing how an entire week can get away from me! Thanks for clarifying the deadlines. As the saying goes: “A day late and a dollar short “.