Cleaning Time Updated


I am collecting a series of bee photos for an article I want to write. One thing I notice when photographing bees or other insects a cleaning they do. It almost looks like this bee wanted to pose for me during the cleaning of her antenna. The way she is posed it almost looks like she is sitting on the flower. It is a cute pose of this bee.

Type of Critique Requested

  • Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.
  • Conceptual: Feedback on the message and story conveyed by the image.
  • Emotional: Feedback on the emotional impact and artistic value of the image.
  • Technical: Feedback on the technical aspects of the image, such as exposure, color, focus and reproduction of colors and details, post-processing, and print quality.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

I am still working with DOF. I worry about diffraction with a smaller opening of the lens. I would have like to get the flower more in focus.

Technical Details

R7 RF 100-400 w/1.4x extender. 560mm iso 1600 1/640 f/16. This is one problem with this setup, f/16 is only one stop closed and I am only about 5 feet from her.

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Dean, you are getting some really good bee shots. I love how you caught her face on, and in the process of cleaning her antenna. Wonderful details in the bee, and for me, plenty enough in the flower. You did a great job with the BG oof. If this was mine, I might would try to clone out that little bit of darker BG in the LRC. I feel like that is nit pick, this is such a nice shot. I’m enjoying your series of bee shots. Keep them coming.

In total agreement with Shirley here - terrific pose and behavior photo. The sidelight brings out so much detail, but is still soft. The perfect kind of directional light. I think it stands on its own even though you plan to use it with others. Do you think you’ll post the article here on NPN? Maybe in our projects category? If so I think you’d get a lot of interested folks.


Dean: Ditto Shirley and Kris. One of your best bee shots IMO. The perch is the icing on a very fine cake. Fix that dark corner and it will be perfection. >=))>

Thank you for the feedback, @Shirley_Freeman , @Kris_Smith , and @Bill_Fach. I am amazed I missed that dark corner.


Yes, Dean, what a wonderful series of bee images. I am so enjoying reading how you are working with this subject to create an article. As Kris, I sure hope NPN will be able to get see the end result. Great capture.