Don't sugar coat things

Reaching back into the archives for this one - December 2011. There was some common land at the end of the road I lived on so I had a wander in the frosty goodness. Found this fern and boy was it crusted and gorgeous. I think it is bracken although I wouldn’t swear to it.

Specific Feedback Requested

I reworked the processing so any comment there is welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Legacy Olympus 90mm f/2 macro at probably f5.6 or 8

fern frost exif

Lr processed for a fairly large crop and the B&W conversion. Topaz Sharpen AI for a quick pass. Tonal adjustments in Lr again for contrast and texture. Reduced blacks and shadows. Some brush work for stubborn light areas behind the fern.


I think B/W is perfect here, for the geometrical design. The larger ice crystals are amazing!

Really excellent image Kris. Wow some of those ice crystals look huge !!

Using B&W makes perfect sense for this image, and your processing looks great. And this composition is diagonal line heaven. I do like how the fern in the URC is not in the same plane as the rest of the ferns, it breaks up the pattern slightly, which for me adds some interest.

Thanks @Diane_Miller & @Ed_McGuirk - the ice crystals were pretty intense and very defined. I was super glad to find them and that my limited experience with macro back then could do it justice. I still have my 90mm, but don’t use it as much anymore.