Dreamy White Globe Amaranth

This White Globe Amaranth was in a bouquet I bought from the farmers market. Any thoughts welcome. I’m still learning the Lensbaby.

Fuji XT3, Lensbaby Velvet 56

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A very interesting and unusual subject. I like the high key treatment with the soft look, and you got some interesting details in focus. My only thought would be o leave a little more room at the top for the small flowers there, but composition on a complex subject like this can be limited. It looks like it’s fun to play with.

@Diane_Miller Thank you for your thoughts on my Amaranth image. I like your idea of including more flowers at the top, and I could have done that, as I did crop the image. I played with it more, but I’m not sure I like the result.

Yes, the extra detail at the top is now competing with the center of the flower, which now feels too close to the bottom edge. A crop halfway in between would be a compromise. You could then remove the half-flower that would be cut in two at the top edge.

@Diane_Miller Thanks Diane.

I think the first image emphasizes the depth of the flower more than the second composition. I like that you found an unusual subject for us to view. I’m not too familiar with how to use the lens baby so I can’t give you any advice for improvement. Thanks for posting this. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

@Patricia_Brundage Thank you so much Patricia! I like the first image better, which is why I cropped it that way. I appreciate your feedback!

I will also go with the first image. In the second the center of the flower is too close to the bottom edge.

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@Michael_Lowe Thanks for your feedback Michael. I appreciate it.