Fall in the Desert

This was taken at the botanic garden in Phoenix, AZ, at the end of a vacation in the Southwest. I can spend a lot of time photographing flowers and interesting plants, and cacti and bougainvillea are much different than I typically find in the Midwest.

It just happened to be almost all red, green, and blue for the challenge. :slight_smile:

Specific Feedback Requested

Any. I’m not thinking of anything in particular.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Sony a6000, ISO 100, f/8, 1/250th. I probably shot this in aperture priority.

You got the RGB and the B is particularly lovely. I think it is interesting to see this photo with the right side, between the cactus and the right edge, cropped out. See what you think.

@JohnSnell I think I see what you mean since the right side doesn’t do much for it and is possibly even distracting. Thanks for pointing that out.

Karla, the red flowers stand out very well because of their sharpness and strong color. The oof saguaro and trees place the scene well without being distracting.