Fern Quest 2

From same area as Fern Quest …just a different comp

Specific Feedback Requested

comp and processing and anything else

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
67mm f/20 1/4 sec iso 250


Wow that part of your garden is a treasure trove. Great balance and symmetry with the two leaves - plus their differences are striking. Have you tried equalizing the shadows in each lower corner - the triangular shapes could be emphasized and further enhance the symmetry in the shot.

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Well done. Appealing images are where we find them, and often we don’t need to go very far.

I feel the lower left leaf tip is a little big too light. Similar to what Kris suggested, it might be worth trying to match the gray zone between that and the fern tip.


I love this, Mario. You’ve got a great arrangement of shapes and patterns here. As an alternate option, I could also see this with the contrast really pushed, but this is quite nice as presented. It looks like there’s a mis-cloned spot on the lower edge of the large right leaf, but that’s all that I see.

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This is simply gorgeous!!! I love the symmetry!

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Mario: I do prefer this version to the first but not sure I can verbalize why. Perhaps the simplicity and symmetry of the comp carries the day. Top notch image. >=))>

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