Flight of the Vulture

So, I’m crazy about vultures! I know some are aware of this. Just last night I got to watch 8 vultures heading to their roosts for the night and I thought, hey, I have so many pictures of them why don’t I go for a slow shutter speed and try something abstract/ICMish… this is one of my favorites that I got!

Specific Feedback Requested


Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Nikon D3400, 300mm, ISO 100, f/16, 1/13, flipped to vertical crop and converted to black and white


Vanessa, this is an very good “bird in flight” view with the trailing shadows and the bird angled across the frame. The glow of the beak adds nicely.

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Thanks @Mark_Seaver ! Glad you like it! :smile:

Nice! I like the angle and the B&W. Makes for a great entry to the Weekly Challenge, Vanessa.

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Brilliant photo, brilliant abstract!

The effect of the photo you chose to take with the camera, and settings you chose to use, was a) creative just by itself with the detail it had despite the shutter speed, and b) made an amazing abstract. The lower wing almost looks like a human hand.

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Another well seen image and very different from what is typically posted for abstraction. I really like this one.

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Thanks so much @David_Bostock @ariella @David_Schoen for taking a look at my dear vulture friend! I’m glad you like it and think it works for an abstract! I wasn’t sure how it would be received, but I’m pleasantly surprised!

Images of birds in flight make for some of the most interesting abstracts and here you hit it perfectly. I like what Mark wrote and agree with every word.
The trails from the wings really adds to the motion.
A tip for this type of photography -Photograph them when the wings are flapping using a lower speed than you did . I do this a lot and its great fun to see the results always different.

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Thanks @Avi_Hirschfield ! Yeah actually there were some crows flying by and I did get them flapping! I was thinking of posting it too if I get a chance!