Flowering Croton Buds

I noticed this branch on our crotons as the buds were just starting to erupt into blossoms. I had never seen that before

Type of Critique Requested

  • Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.
  • Conceptual: Feedback on the message and story conveyed by the image.
  • Emotional: Feedback on the emotional impact and artistic value of the image.
  • Technical: Feedback on the technical aspects of the image, such as exposure, color, focus and reproduction of colors and details, post-processing, and print quality.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

I attempted to find a perspective that separated the individual blossoms and buds as much as possible, but there is still a good deal of overlap. It this a pleasing perspective ? Is the focus stack adequately sharp?

Technical Details

f/5.6, 1/200 , iso 640, 105 mm. Focus stack of 25 images


Hey Richard I just want to echo what I said in our video review. This is a great photo with perfect exposure. I really enjoy the shape repetition of the circular shapes and how the open blossoms and closed contrast one another. Stellar shot!

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Richard, what is not to love about this image. As David has mentioned, the open blossoms and the closed contrast nicely with one another. The black BG makes these beauties stand out nicely. The details look very good to me. I love the curve of the branch in the frame. Well done.

Beautiful! All said above! The stacking looks perfect to me, which is not easy to do with this level of detail and this much depth overlap. I always have better luck with more DOF in each frame. If there had been little need to soften the BG, I would have tried more like f/11 with my full frame body, but I don’t know what sensor size you’re working with.

I wonder about just a bit more canvas on the bottom. If you need to keep the aspect ratio, a bit of enlargement all around could work.

Hi Richard,

I like the yellows of the open flowers and the sudden transition to the red buds towards the apex of the stem. The result of the stack looks excellent and my only minor nit is that I wish for a bit more space on the bottom. Just a personal preference–and I still think that you have produced an awesome photo…Jim

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Hi Diane, Thanks for your kind comments. I guessed right, the BG was the rest of the croton bush and very close to this branch, hence F/5.6 . Camera body was Nikon D850. The tight crop at the bottom was also to get rid of the distracting bush. I will try extending the BG in photoshop with content aware. Thx for the suggestion

@Shirley_Freeman @Jim_Zablotny @David_Johnston thank you for the crtiques and helpful comments

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Richard: Marvelous stacking work and a dynamic comp. I love the varying stages of the buds. Superbly crafted image. >=))>

@Bill_Fach Thank you for the kind words

Always happy to help, Richard!