Frozen Eye

We have plenty of ice at this point but its covered by a foot of snow, so I went back a couple of years to find this shot taken at a local stream. The scene appealed to me because it looked like an eye staring up and I appreciated the neighboring lines, frozen, but still imparting a sense of fluidity.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Sony DSC-HX90V, ISO 100, 1/30s, f/5.6, closeup mode

1 Like

Very cool pattern! Love this.

Reminds me from an image from deep space. Well seen!

Jim, that “bullseye” and it’s clasp is a neat figure. The other figures around the edges are interesting as well. The blues throughout and the hint of leaf to the left. If your camera would allow, this would also work well focused more tightly on that main figure.

Hi @Mark_Seaver, thanks you for your helpful comment. To be clear, you’re suggestion was to have tightened in on the main shape while excluding the others, so all attention was on the main?

@Jim_Lockhart, I wouldn’t go so far as to exclude all of the other shapes. I think that add some interesting touches of context around the edges. I’m thinking in terms of pulling the lower right corner in, while maintaining the overall shape of the frame, to reduce the amount of the relatively shapeless blue along the bottom. The idea here is to try things to refine your vision, and what you’re presenting here may be your favorite view.

Thanks @Mark_Seaver , now I understand and I’ll try that. Thanks for your input!