Golden Morning

I ventured out to an place designated as an environmental significant area (ESA) which is now well inside the city. A rainy and windy morning gave way to some sunshine on a fantastic fall day. I was heading back to the car when I had to stop and capture this scene of a small pond covered by algae and leaves. I’m very fortunate to have amazing fall colors close to home.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any feedback welcome.

Technical Details

f7.1, 1/80, iso1000. 24mm (24-105mm) on full frame, hand held. Shot slightly under exposed to reduce blowing out the dappled light (not fully) successful. It was a windy day so trying to balance shutter speed, and depth of field. By the time I got my camera out and composition set up the dappled light was pushing the dynamic range of my camera.

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Oh nice find! Vernal pools are a sometimes project of mine. I like the layers and depth in this - even to the blank sky behind the trees, but I feel that it’s too soft and could use some contrast, particularly in the tree trunks which seem very light. Agree that it’s great to have colors and scenes like this so close.

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Wonderful find with gorgeous fall color! I love the depth here and for me the maybe slightly OOF branches on the right are not a problem, but rather a nice framing feature. I think @Kris_Smith has a good point about contrast – maybe have a look at pulling the black point down a little? The tree leaning out in the UR is a bit of an eye-puller for me. It might be cloned, even partially, to conceal it a bit?

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@Kris_Smith and @Diane_Miller ,
thank you for the feedback. I’ve added a bit more of the blacks back in for a touch more contrast.

Hi Bryan! Those are always amazing mornings to be out. I like how the dead trees around the pond lead you around the photo. The pond is so full of leaves and moss that at first I thought it was a small glen.