Help locating NPN members

Hello all,

When I sent out my email to all the members the following came back as undeliverable, if you have an up to date email address for them or another way to contact I would really appreciate it!

Gloria Hopkins
Bruce King
Robbie Knight
Dave Knight
Nancy Lamb
Rick Lundh
Bob Maynard
Catherine Reilly
Mike Schlansker
Michelle C. Parent
Bill Reichert
Andy Rouse
Bob Steele
Tom Snelham
Helena Watkins
Darwin Wiggett

Bob Maynard is in Colorado

Thank you Kathy, glad to see you made it here!

Darwin Wiggett’s website is now:
You can contact through him there.

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Have you checked social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram)? Some may be there and you can send them a message.

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Thank you for the info @Sandy_Richards-Brown I saved it but deleted your post so this information is not available to everyone on the internet. If anyone else has contact information for members please PM me.

David, All that info IS from the internet - so anyone can still see it.

Well, at least the bad players won’t get it from NPN, Sandy.