Hi, I'm Hank and I can't believe I've just discovered this site!

I’m in the upper Midwest, that’s where I shoot primarily, I wouldn’t be from anywhere else (at most I only have to drive across half the country to get just about anywhere). I’ve been in photography (commercial and nature) for longer than I want to admit. Mostly I join such such entities for inspiration first, and to learn second - never stop learning or re-learning as the case may be!

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Welcome to the NPN, Hank. I’m sure you’ll find this site and community very welcoming and helpful. That’s a beautiful photo in your introduction.

Thanks, it’s one of my favorites. Originally shot on 4x5, I have a huge print of this hanging in my living room.

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Welcome to NPN, Hank. This is a wonderful scene. I can see why you have it up on the wall. Looking forward to seeing more of your work and to your contributions to this community.


Glad to have you as part of the community now, Hank. I hope you get out of it everything you hope for, and more, whatever it may be. :slight_smile:

Welcome to the NPN community Hank!

Hi and welcome from another upper Midwest photographer - a bit more upper though, Wisconsin. I can see why this is a favorite. Great light and texture and those tracks just make us wonder about what mission the bird was on when it made them. Hope you find the community welcoming and will not only share your images, but talk though the ones others post as well. Think of it as a virtual workshop to make everyone’s photos better.

Thanks, I call this image “Gull Tracks” and until I made the image, I didn’t realize gulls walk in-line, as if they were taking a sobriety test! The things nature can teach us! Hank

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