Hi, I'm Mike from Colorado.

I hang out in the box canyons no the Front Range Colorado, mostly landscape, but when the conditions are right, bugs, birds, and critters with legs.

This image is one of the few times specifically took bird pictures. I rented a long lens hoping to catch a hummer for a folio on a canyon. When I realized a small water flow was a small local attraction that the hummers were fighting over, I sat off at a distace and watched them bathing. It was enjoyable to watch them being themselves without bird feeders and all the typical things we watch them do.

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Hi and welcome to NPN. Hummingbirds are a very popular subject here so I’m sure a lot of people will chime in for your intro post. You’ve caught something we don’t often see so it’s also special that way. Too bad the bird wasn’t more side on, but they just don’t listen! Hope to see more from the Box Canyons and your thoughts on others work in all of our categories.

Very cool image, Mike. And welcome to NPN. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

The one I posted showed it flapping water, but there are better poses here: https://www.michaelallan.gallery/Bird-Bath/

Great series! The penultimate shot is my favorite of the bunch.