Ho hum . . . just another sunset

. . . but not for me. As I stood on the shore of our local lake at sunset last night, my first and only thought was: peace.

Cropped from the left to 5700x3803 (3:2) to remove random limbs and top. Remove some dust in ACR. Also made basic adjustments to highlights/shadows in ACR. In PS made minor adjustments to curves, color balance and brightness/contrast. I’ve left this feeling a bit subdued because that is how it felt to me - purposely not oversaturating the scene. How does it feel to you? Too subdued? Too generic? Any other thoughts, comments and/or suggestions would be great.

Nikon Z6ii, f/20, 1/250sec., iso 640 @78mm (28-300mm), tripod, remote.

Thanks for taking a look.


Beautiful image, Linda. Love the colors.

Oh my goodness Linda. This is Spectacular!!! I just love that the blacks have gone almost completely black but not quite giving a richness to this image. The bare branches of the tree being backlit from the setting sun and the reflected glow on the water are very peaceful. This is so well composed. The brush in the LRC that sticks up above the shoreline is much needed for good balance and the land mass in the distance does not draw much attention but perfectly balances this image. I can’t think of a single thing that could improve this shot.

Not ho-hum for me either, Linda. This is a peaceful scene where I could spend some time even without my camera.

I can see why, Linda. And not ho-hum. A little breeze. Some nice silhouettes. The sun framed in branches. All speaks softly, but decisively.

Well, this doesn’t strike me as subdued at all. The colors are so rich, and those deep blacks are luscious. Wonderful composition - the small amount of bright colors + mass of branches is well balanced by the larger are of more subdued colors, fading off to the right. I haven’t any suggestions - love it as is.

A beautiful image quietly dragging me into the scene. Not ho-hum, but well done.

The blacks are dark and purposeful but not blocked. The colours are natural and not overdone. I especially like your handling of the sun. I’m not a big fan of burnt out white holes where the sun should be. You’ve captured and processed the scene well!

This is sooooo peaceful and enticing, Linda. The colors look very realistic, the near and far silhouettes add context while the lake and sky are calmly quiet. Keep this handy so you can take a long look when chaos surrounds you.

Thanks so much, @Mike_Friel and @Keith_Flood for stopping by and liking this sunset. Also thank you very much; @David_Bostock, @David_Haynes, @Shirley_Freeman, @Kris_Smith, @Bonnie_Lampley, @glennie and @Mark_Seaver for taking the time to comment. I’m encourage all of you seem to be enjoying this captured moment in time as much as I did.

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