Ice and reflections

As I’ve often said here, I love photographing ice and this is just another example of why: seeing both the ice and the water below and the reflections off both. I cropped this to isolate the “mitten” shape in a larger image.

Type of Critique Requested

  • Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.
  • Conceptual: Feedback on the message and story conveyed by the image.
  • Emotional: Feedback on the emotional impact and artistic value of the image.
  • Technical: Feedback on the technical aspects of the image, such as exposure, color, focus and reproduction of colors and details, post-processing, and print quality.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

Any and all

Technical Details

Sony 6000, 1/100, f/16, 120mm, ISO6400 with adjustment to tone curves, dehaze, sharpening and saturation as well as cropping in LR


Super curvy shapes here. I like the way it flows. Wonder about the color though…that blue doesn’t look natural. Looks to be a tiny bit of iridescence present and that is interesting. I like the break that lets us see down below - good contrasting color with the cyan. I could see cloning over the white spike in center of the bottom edge. Very interesting formation.

Question - I’m curious about the choice of 6400 ISO. Did you have to push that high? Winter photography usually means pretty bright conditions.

Thank you, @Kris_Smith , I noticed the white spike just as I posted it and was pretty sure I’d get a suggestion like yours, and a good one. As for the color, I think it is the colors from the bottom showing through but I have also tweaked that to be a bit more blue. As for 6400, blame it on the thumb on my mitten and not checking at the time!

Lovely sensuous flowing lines. Nice composition and division of space. I like the iridescent glow to the ice.