If eyes could kill

Pertinent technical details or techniques: Canon 400 D; 300 mm; ISO 400; 1/100 at F 4.5.

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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Jagdeep, this is a lovely portrait of this Tiger. The colors and the details are outstanding. You were quite close to get this with a 300 mm lens.

That’s a great title Jagdeep. So accurate. I love the framing and background here. I wish we could see the tiger’s paws.

That is one stare, Jagdeep. Love the title as well. Wonderful colors and details in the Tiger.

Beautiful animal and excellent image it. Great expression and intensity.

A gorgeous portrait of this tiger, Jagdeep! The eyes get your attention immediately! The clarity and colors are excellent. The blurred bottom with your watermark is a bit distracting though.

Thanks friends !

@Mark_Seaver This is full frame.

@Craig_Moreau Since Tiger was on a higher plane, it wasn’t possible to see the paws.

@Gary_Minish The blurred bottom is the result of close proximity with Tiger.

Outstanding color, detail, composition and stare. Well done!

Such an intense look on this beautiful animal. Wonderful portrait.

Jagdeep: I have to confess that I’ve never looked closely at a tiger’s eyes and was somewhat surprised at the round pupils. Beautiful animal superbly captured. >=))>