Juvenile Downy Woodpecker

This is far from a stellar image, but I thought the behavior was very interesting. I’ve never seen a Downy come in for a drink before. As seems to be the case with most species, the young lead the way to new things.

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That darn out of focus stub sticking in front of the Downy? I had fill flash going for this series and it lit that thing up way too well. I did lots of burning on it and discovered an interesting phenomenon. With the flash, even though the stub was out of focus, the edges were sharp. I ended up using a 50% opacity clone brush to mellow out the transitions.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Sony A1, FE200-600 + 1.4 TC @ 658 mm, tripod with gimbal head, f/9, 1/400, iso 1250, fill flash at -2 EV, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Cropped to 5392x4192. Taken at 1:23 PM on August 2nd.

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Such a sweet image, Dennis! The out of focus thing in the front doesn’t bother me. I would maybe crop it just a little to get a closer look at the woodpecker and get rid of some of the mossy rock as it seems to be taking a little more attention than needed. But I think it’s a wonderful behavior photo! So cute!

Cute image with the woodpecker looking at you; it seems to show the curiosity of the young.
P.S. Congrats on your new camera.

Absolutely cool. The juvenile Downy’s that I have seen in my area come near the water but I have not seen one take a bath. Good behavior!

Hi Dennis
The Downy Woodpecker is cute, I think the framing should cropped into close-up on the Downy and loose the out of focus stub.

“Holding on” is what comes to mind here. Well seen ! Cheers, Hans