Kansas Botanical Gardens 12

I visited for the butterflies but was fascinated by these little emerging flowers

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Technical Details

Lumix S5

Neat looking plant for sure. Reminds me of honey locust flowers. Looks like the shutter speed was a bit slow and so I don’t see any crisp areas of focus. The side light brings up nice contour and the colors look rich and there’s good separation in the hues.

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The colours and light are really nice but I agree that it could be a bit sharper. The greens in the background compliment the colours of the flowers nicely though.

Hi Steve, I like your composition very much, encompassing the three flowers on a diagonal line. Great oof background displays the color nicely. Focus is really not bad; assuming you were hand holding it would be important to have a high enough shutter speed, about the inverse of your lens mm, to gain crispness in the details. Would be helpful to know what the aperture was too.