King of the Hill

This photo was taken at Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota. This guy stood there grazing with his tail end towards us for quite a while. He finally turned around and laid down. Worth hanging around for the shot. The clouds that evening were epic.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any suggestions.

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Oh… this is really a wonderful scene. I like your composition with a lot of emphasis on the sky. What I wanted was for the sky to be a little bit more dramatic with all those great clouds.

Here’s an option to consider.


Outstanding. Rarely do I see a bison photo where he isn’t standing, surrounded by other herd members, or showing a lot of busy environment. This guy relaxing, silhouetted against that cloudy sky is really nice. Well done.

I remember having gone out to Wyoming back in 2017 and seeing these beautiful beasts roaming along the road and aside it. The tour guide informed us how they often stood or laid down in the middle of the road, blocking traffic for hours. I’ve never understood why so many tourists out that way test their patience…

My immediate reaction is that the clouds are too bright, creating a somewhat jarring effect upon viewing. Especially since there is so much emphasis on the sky here, a fine balance must be struck between everything. I think @Keith_Bauer did a fine rework that not only introduced drama but reduced the jarring brightness. Certainly something to consider.

Good idea. Looks great.

@terryb @Cody_Schultz @Keith_Bauer Thank you for your thoughtful comments.

Chris, this is a fine capture of this big bull, with the clouds really making the scene. Adding some contrast (for more drama) to the clouds does look good.

This is a great scene, Chris! Both the Bison and the clouds are impressive. It also has a peaceful mood. The only thing I can suggest is a crop to move the Bison a little off center. I also liked Keith’s idea of darkening the scene a bit and adding contrast to amplify the dramatic clouds so I did a version combining the two:

@Mark_Seaver Thanks, Mark!

I like it. Thanks.