Lake Abert, Oregon

Returning from a trip to northeastern Oregon, we passed by Lake Abert in south-central Oregon. We couldn’t pass up making a few grand landscape shots with that wonderful sky and a bit of water left in the lake (almost a playa at this point).

Specific Feedback Requested

Oh, anything that comes to mind.

Technical Details

a7r3, 46mm, f/16, 1/200s, ISO 400, hand held, polarizer.


Wonderful expanse with very appealing sky . I am enjoying the exposure.

I like this one a lot. A great scene, composition and clouds! But i especially like the rendering in B&W.

Oooh, soft and dramatic - not an easy thing to pull off. Tremendous clouds, too. So many layers to appreciate. I wish there was just a little more of the cliff showing or maybe something going on to the right, but that’s how lakes are sometimes.

Beautiful scene, Bonnie. Those clouds are awesome.

Thanks, @David_Schoen, @Ola_Jovall, @Kris_Smith, and @David_Bostock.

Bonnie, that sky is awesome and it fits very well with the sweeping shoreline and all of the textures in the lake. I think your low contrast processing fits perfectly with the sky.

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Gorgeous scene, Bonnie. You captured it well and I like that you made it black and white. It really gives it a softness and the stacks of clouds stand out more. Beautiful!

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