Lichen This Tree

I shot this image as a tourist atop a mountain in Sintra, Portugal, a short trip from Lisbon. i saw this tree as the fog was lifting.

Specific Feedback Requested

Suggestions for any improvements, especially those I can implement in editing in PS or LRc.

Technical Details

Nikon D500 with 70-200 lens at f8, 1/60th second, ISO 400.

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That tree does look really nice with the mix of colors! I don’t have much to add here. I might add a little contrast to the mid tones and give a slight boost in vibrancy to bring out the colors a little more. But not much else I would add in terms of processing. The one thing that is somewhat distracting is the big gap on the left in the middle of the frame and up at the top of the frame. I’m not sure if there’s much you can do there as this would be something that would have to be addressed in the field. But those areas are the darkest areas of the image, so my eye is going to those areas instead of focusing on the variation of colors on the tree. Just something to be mindful of when you’re out in the field.


Thanks, David. I appreciate your time and review. I have made the changes you suggested and also used an uncrossed version to add a bit more in the blank area on the left.