Lunch Time



One of many Tortes in the Galapagos Islands

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Love it! And, by the way, thanks for helping to clarify the meaning of “icons!” This old guy certainly is an icon.


Great image! This guy (or gal?) has such a great expression - like a little kid staring at a big bowl of strawberry ice cream!

Also, nice job extending the notion of the icon - to one of it’s inhabitants! And yes, the place is iconic.

Thanks for sharing.


The “joy” in this tortise’s face is unmistakeable. Nicely framed and focused.

This is a great fun image. It brings me back to the feeling of being in galapagos with these gicantic but gentle and cute creatures. I love how you get to see all the green all over his face like a three year old.

Interesting comments and I always appreciate all comments.I flipped a coin on this topic ,asking the question ,“What makes a venue an Icon?” is it an object within the place , and can an animal be an Icon or mark the place as an Icon? I guess lucked out on this one. Thanks again, to all for the comments.