Mars Canyon

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

A northern red maple forest covered in hoar frost?
Marching red ants carrying food stopped by the water?
Atlanta Hawks fans going wild over a Trae 3-pointer to stay alive against the Celtics?

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

No, it’s a sea of Diamorpha smallii (Elf Orpine), a tiny succulent plant, in a small solution pool on an otherwise barren granite outcrop in Georgia.

Technical Details

Nikon Z7, 24-120mm f/4 S, 69mm, ISO 200, f/11, 1/40 sec
Focus stack of 5 images

Specific Feedback

I’m interested in any aesthetic, conceptual, or emotional feedback. Thanks!

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Could be lichen and Saxifraga sp. high up in the hills, but I’m secretly hoping it’s Atlanta Hawks fans because I haven’t a clue about that!

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You’re very close, Mike, with the former! My team hit a winning shot at the buzzer tonight, right when I was making the post, so that’s what I was feeling.


Terrific! How about for a reaction, “A river runs through it…” That’s what I get from the ribbon snaking it’s way through the frame. I might have believed the hoar frost on maples! But the granite on the right - or at least that looks like granite to me… the rock reigns in the imagination a little bit.

Together, I love this image as captured and presented. The colors and processing are excellent as well. Not nits or suggestions - other than to say not seeing the Hawk’s reference - I’ll have enough trouble keeping track of the blue Warriors wave on the right… too much drama… :slight_smile:

Wonderful natural abstract!


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Well seen and captured Steve! I agree with Lon about the winding area looking like a river. I love the red and blue color contrast in the image. Yes the left section looks like a forest of sorts and the right some bluffs. Awesome work!

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Whatever it is, it’s a stunning capture!! No nits!

So now I see the secret, and it’s so well seen and captured!! I did think floral and lichen-y.

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Hi Steve,

It does have a ‘Grand Scale’ feel to it, but after looking at it in the full size view, it looks more like a forest of “Red Jelly Bean Trees”, that IS where they come from, right? :laughing:

At any rate, I really like it! Good eye for seeing this as more than what it really is.

I really like the ‘River’ between the forest and the rock formation.

And I guess I’ll be the one to mention that it feels slightly off, the jelly bean trees seem to be leaning to the left just a little.
I rotated it CW about 2° and of course I’m sure it’s just me, I was a career cabinet maker/carpenter so I’m a stickler for vertical and horizontal lines being vertical and horizontal (Horizontal wasn’t a consideration here, just the vertical).
Again, I’m sure it’s just me! :slight_smile:

Love it! :slight_smile:

BTW, Nice job on the stack!

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Thanks so much @Lon_Overacker, @Alfredo_Mora, @Diane_Miller, and @Merv for responding to my image and providing your helpful comments. I fully share the “river runs through it” response. That was my intent in how I composed and processed it, lightening up and warming the “flow” for greater contrast with the forest and bluff. These tiny red plants fascinate me and it’s super fun to play around with different compositions, including grand scenes with a sea of red in the foreground. Thanks, Merv, for your insight about rotating the image to true it up.!