We had another cold spell so I sought more ice on ponds and rivers. Most leaves have fallen very late so new ice has a lot of them in it. I am posting a second version that is of a not so modest penguin.

Type of Critique Requested

  • Conceptual: Feedback on the message and story conveyed by the image.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

I have taken a lot (really a lot) of photos of ice this season. I try to find something unique. I actually saw this before taking the shot unlike most where I see something but when processing see something else that appeals more to me. Any comments are appreciated especially about depth of focus.

Technical Details

5DMKIV; WB auto; 7.1; 1/400th; Handheld; 24/70 at 70; Some haze adjustment; Noise reduction; leaf removal in not so modest.


It does look like a Penguin. Wow, what a find. Much better to remove the leaf in post processing than venturing out on thin ice! Neat find and capture, Jim.

Jim: A great find indeed and a fine capture. Pretty amazing how content aware can fill in an area as large as the leaf. Most excellent. >=))>

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Ha! Enjoyed the title and for that reason enjoyed the modest version :). Nice find- “frozen penguin” is good too

@Shirley_Freeman @Bill_Fach @CharlesV Thank you for the nice words. Charles, I would have preferred that it be a fig leaf. Frozen penguin is good, too.

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What a find! Love it with or without the leaf. Of course my brain went right to the Monty Python sketch -

Penguins don’t come from next door!

Love this scene.
Very creative.

@Kris_Smith I suppose I could make an “inspired guess” where they come from. Thanks for the comments and my revisit to a pepperpot skit.
@joaoquintela Thank you.

What a wonderful apparition!! And a title that gave me a big laugh! Amazing job of the leaf removal, too – fantastic both ways!

Jim, your frozen “bird” is an excellent find, nice job of seeing. As a reluctant cloner, I wonder if there was a way to tilt the camera to come up with a frame that didn’t need as much post processing…, although tilting the bird might make it look less bird like. Removing the leaf does let the Penguin show better as does filling in the lower left corner.

@Mark_Seaver I, too, am a reluctant cloner and use it sparingly. I didn’t even consider tilting the camera in hopes of avoiding a lot of post processing. That’s points out one reason for being a member of NPN. Constructive feedback. Next time I’ll have it in mind to use different camera positions. Thanks.