More bluebirds...

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I’m still photographing the bluebirds bringing in goodies to their chicks. Hope y’all don’t mind another bluebird post. I was happy to catch the male posing with more of his blue back showing (top photograph). It’s interesting to see all the different bugs that the parents bring in and I imagine this will change over later broods as other insects become more available.

Specific Feedback

Any. Trying not to overdo the saturation on the birds as it is tempting to ramp this up. I like to keep my renditions generally quite natural.

Technical Details

Canon R7, 400mm f4 DO IS II, 1.4x extender, tripod
first image: ISO 2500, f13, 1/200s
second image: ISO 2500, f10, 1/250s


No such thing as too many Bluebirds, Allen. Nice classic side shots with beautiful even lighting. The varieties of prey is interesting. I’m sure by the second or third broods they’ll be bringing in a lot more adult insects.

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Drop-dead gorgeous!! I have fits with the blue color of Bluebirds with my Canon R5 and the various Adobe profiles. Can’t remember now what I found best but it took some tweaking. Hope I made notes but probably not. These look perfect and the BG is to die for!!

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Not sick of them at all! I saw a robin the other day, now we have another foot of snow so I bet it’s thrilled.

The colors look right and you’ve got such a great perch and background that all you have to do is wait for them to do their thing. Cannot wait for the fledglings. They will be awkward fluffy little bottomless pits!

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Agree with the others, can’t get too many Bluebirds. Beautiful images with a great background and the food helps tell the story. Great job and the colors look natural to me.

I’m jealous you have Bluebirds as we seem to have lost ours over the last two brutal winters. So, I’ll live vicariously, for now. Color looks good and it’s fun to watch these birds hunt for insects with their super eyesight. Catching them returning to feed the chicks is even better. Well timed. Nice background and good details, and I especially like the female’s perch.

Hi Allen
Of all the backyard birds, Blue Bird are on the top of my photograph list, even the female’s coloring photogenic. The coloring, eye contact. feather detail and bring home dinner seals the deal. Have fun.