Morning Bird

This image was taken at Cayuga Lake in the Finger Lakes region of New York. Most of the photos I captured that morning were of the sunrise itself. But birds would occasionally pass by, silhouetted against the sky. This time, I decided to pan with the bird as it passed.

The resulting image has a segmented composition. Beneath the morning sky is a silhouette of the far bank of the narrow lake. Below that is a band of water that’s sparkling in the early light. Finally there’s another area of water that’s much darker. I don’t really understand what caused that effect (that’s the way it appeared to the naked eye too), but I liked the effect it had on the composition of the image.

Specific Feedback Requested

All feedback is welcome and appreciated.

Technical Details

1/200 sec, f/8, ISO 200, 300mm
Processed in Lightroom (noise reduction, vibrance, and clarity/sharpening adjustments)

Is this a composite: No


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Mark, the bird is a fine exclamation point in the big bands of color. You’ve got a good sense of an enjoyable, peaceful morning (or evening…can’t tell from just the photo).

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Wonderful texture and lighting you’ve captured in each one of the bands, Mark. The bird adds a nice element as well. Nicely done.

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Thanks Mark! This was the morning - the sunrise is just off the frame.