On the wind (+B&W version)

Here it is in B&W with some texture & contrast changes -

Pulling out another oldie for this challenge (I have a couple of newer shots, but none are as obvious with the wind effect as this one). This is from 2012 where I used to live in NH - Adams Pond in Londonderry.

Wind shook the snow from the trees on this morning as I stood across the pond and tried to photograph it. I like the different shapes it produced here. And the deer tracks going away.

Specific Feedback Requested

Even though there is something going on, it feels kinda static to me.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Olympus E-30
Zuiko D 12-60mm lens @ 12mm
f/13 | 1/13 sec | ISO 100
probably a tripod and maybe a polarizer

Lr processed for a bit of a crop to emphasize the lines & eliminate a bright and distracting tree. White & black points, lens correction, sharpening. Color grading to bring up the warmth of the sunrise and a graduated filter on the ground snow so it wouldn’t be so intensely blue (I hate that).


Kris, that’s a lot of falling and blowing snow, placed well in the frame. The deer tracks are subtle, interesting extra.

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An interesting and beautiful capture. I might have missed the tracks had I not magnified the image.

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Cool scene. I get the sense of the upward movement of the snow, but maybe it would be more distinct in b&w. That blue sky is really striking and I think it competes with the snow.

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I think @Bonnie_Lampley is on to something with the B&W suggestions. I pulled it into PS and did a quickie conversion and quite like the results. It becomes much more dramatic and engaging for me in B&W.

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Thanks everyone - glad the old shot still had impact. Thanks for the suggestion about monochrome - I don’t think I ever tried it, but I’ve put up an alternate version for your perusal.