Pastel Explosion

@Shirley_Freeman Thank you very much.

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Chris, this is fabulous and I love everything about it!
The only thing I could even think of to try- is just different crop ratios, to see if anything catches your attention, but it is great as is!
I was unable to attend the OOC event, but I was in the area at the same time visiting family, and I was able to get to the Botanic Gardens on my way out of town. I loved it! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your comments. I’m glad you were able to visit the gardens. I’d love to spend more time there.

Chris, I really like the image. I agree with @Merv this is a wall hanger. The flow and soft colors and texture keeps my eyes exploring it.

Thank you very much.

Chris, this image is fantastic. Personally, I would not change a single thing. Brava!!!

Thanks, Fritz.