
What technical feedback would you like if any? any and all

What artistic feedback would you like if any? does the subdued color scheme have any appeal to anyone else?

Fuji X-T2 18-135 @135 1.1sec. f11 iso 200

Taken at dusk on an overcast day

Last month spent a week bicycling through southern Quebec and northern Vermont followed by a week in Acadia. Now at home viewing my images and I keep coming back to this one as one of my favorites. Is it just ocular fatigue from all the vibrant colors in other images or?

As a print (small) it looks more like a painting. Thanks for looking.

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Craig, you’ve got a quiet and very inviting feeling feeling here with the gentle pastel colors and the excellent details in the tree trunks. This is a very contemplative view, that will be a pleasure to view repeatedly.

Craig, this is really nice. Although I do enjoy the vibrant colors we often see, I am really enjoying the subtler fall colors here. You have captured a great distribution of color through the frame, and the vertical trunks give some order to the chaos.

My first thought was that this feels a little too light, so I took it into PS to experiment. I used 3 luminosity mask layers, one to darken the darks, one for midtone contrast, and one to darken the lights. This does naturally saturate the image a bit more. Just another approach to processing this, as this is lovely as presented.

Mark, Craig, thank you for your input. Craig after seeing your adjustments, I looked at my test print again. It was a little darker than the screen image I posted. I think somewhere between the three images will be what I settle on. I have one of Galen Rowel’s Owens valley prints in my entry way that has the soft colors of the edge of day
 I never get tired of looking at it.

Craig - for the luminosity masks, were those TK or one of the others?

Craig: Wonderful scene and I especially like the overall color palette. Craig’s adjustment is a bit of an improvement but the raw material is pretty darn good. :+1::+1:>=))>

Thanks for working on that. Which luminosity masks did you use
 PS, TK or? Your rendition is closer to my print proof. I think the “screen master” will benefit from a little adjustment and still maintain the soft pastel colors.

Hi Craig. I used TK’s luminosity mask panel in Photoshop. I think it was a Darks 1, Midtones 2, and a Lights 1

Thanks. There is an irony with this image. I printed it as a proof when I was printing some grandson photos and had extra room on the sheet. I liked the printed image better than the screen. Generally it is having a screen master and adjusting for print. This was using Epson’s UltraPremium Photo paper which I use for snapshot type images. For large prints, Ilford Gold Fibre Silk needs virtually no adjustments on the Epson P800 printer.