Pied Currawong

The currawong’s song mystifies and hypnotises the senses and is one of my favourite bush bird calls. He’s known for his yellow, glass-button eyes that don’t miss a bug…or a baby bird in a nest.

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Wow, Glennie this is stunning! Looks like it should belong in the corvid family, but it’s Artamidae. With that bill I bet little escapes. And what a perch and pose. Fantastic shot. I like how you’ve framed it with a lighter bit of background and darker on the edges. That cranks up the drama to 11. Wonderful!

Glennie, this is indeed a dramatic portrait of this bird, especially with it’s head turned, showing off its eye ring.

What a beautiful portrait, Glenys! It looks like sun rays coming through in the background, or is it fog? Either way, that background makes the whole scene look very dramatic.
I’ve not heard of this bird, not have I heard its song, or call. Will have to look it up.
Thanks for this hypnotic image which is a total eye-catcher!
(By the way, I like the border along the edges. Photoshop or something else?)

Glennie, this is sensational. I know it’s another species, but I immediately thought of a quote by Poe" “Thus Quoth the Raven: Nevermore.” Love it.

Thanks Mark! The border was found in an old “free” ON1 Effects 10. I don’t know whether it’s still available. It has the most amazing number of borders.

Wow!! Fantastic and perfect for low-key B/W! Wonderful pose and lighting, with the lighter BG area framing the bird so nicely! That must be some of your amazing brushwork!

Fantastic portrait! Choice of frame is wonderful. You mention he’s known for his yellow, glass-button eyes. Perhaps a version just like this one but with a yellow eye? Excellent image.

Thanks Jim. This image did indeed have the bird with his yellow eye. I changed it for the weekly challenge.