Red Necked Pharalope

Red Necked Pharalope

North Central Iceland in June 2021

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iso 2000, 400 plus 1.4X, f7.1, 2000th, 60% full frame

Wow, I’ve never seen one of these before. Nice catch. The bird is in total sharpness. And it’s a beautiful specimen too. Nice work.

No wonder I wasn’t familiar with this bird…from Iceland, ha ha. Anyway, great capture of that handsome Pharalope David. Beautiful reflection in the still water with motion implied by his water trail. I usually prefer more space in the area the animal is going into, but that would have meant giving up a goodly portion of the water trail, which is an important part of the scene. Yes, as @David_Bostock mentioned, sharp as a tack with loads of detail. Just enough environment in view too.

Yes, wonderful clarity in the bird and still water, and then the very cool ripples!

David, it seems that I missed this post. There’s a lot to like here, with fine reflections, a great looking bird, a good wake and the reeds behind.