Red Pierrot in the Evening

Went out after a couple of weeks. and found this beauty in the evening

6DII, 180 Tamron, 7.1

Balan Vinod

Type of Critique Requested

  • Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.
  • Conceptual: Feedback on the message and story conveyed by the image.
  • Emotional: Feedback on the emotional impact and artistic value of the image.
  • Technical: Feedback on the technical aspects of the image, such as exposure, color, focus and reproduction of colors and details, post-processing, and print quality.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

Any feedback is welcome

Technical Details


Beautiful capture. The colors contrast very well. I wonder if cropping just a little bit in the right side to take out some of the negative space. Well done.

Funny how different we all are - the negative space doesn’t bother me here. It reinforces the idea of how tiny these guys are and how big the word is for them. I also love the colors in this little one - that bold red and white and … is that blue? What a great find and the separation with the background combined with the pose gives us such a great view of the wings and antennae. Those stripey legs! Is it a kind of hairstreak? I’m not a butterfly expert, but those little spikes on the wings remind me of those.

Hi Balan,

I like how you were able to get both antennae in focus–a difficult task when photographing small butterflies. I wish for more DOF for the perch, but what you have present for the entire image is quite good. Well done…Jim

Balan, I really like the contrast here of “death and life” with the old dead seed head, and the much alive and colorful butterfly. The spider webs are a nice addition as well. The color of the BG supports the seed head and makes the butterfly stand out nicely. I can’t think of anything that would improve this shot. Very nice.

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Many thanks Kristen …thats kind of a tail …and would deceive predators.

Balan, I love how both plant and hairstreak catch the evening light - what a great contrast in colours too! Very well taken.

Balan: Knowing how small and active these guys usually are this is a superb capture. I’m very OK with the DOF and like that the oof parts of the seed head are in shadow while the well lit areas are sharp. Exceptionally nice work. >=))>

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Balan, this is a great capture, with the bf standing out in the midst of all of the warm browns. Its contrast with the seed head looks good as well and the seed head adds lots of interest. You’ve handled the light very well.