Site Login

The site login procedure involves either a password entry or an email link. When I tried using the email link feature I never got the email I requested even though it was my valid email. This failed several times. You might look into this and see if this is just my account or a software bug.

Hi Igor, before I dig into this further can you verify that you checked your spam folder?

I did check my spam folder before posting this.

Oh, and there is another issue that may be related. I used to get email with each post people made on my images. I haven’t received such an email in about 2 months now.


That does help, somehow your email address was flagged by our server and I’ve put in a request to have that fixed. I’ll let you know when that is done. Sorry for the trouble Igor. If anyone else has stopped receiving emails please let me know.

This should be resolved now Igor, sorry for the issues!

It works perfectly now. Thanks a bunch.