Small Ice World

This image was taken last week when my wife and I were hiking in Forest Quarter in Lower Austria. Close to a small waterfall, we found granite rocks overgrown with moss and lichen and finally sheathed in ice. Getting in close revealed some amazing formations to my eye.

Type of Critique Requested

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

Comments and critique are welcome.

Technical Details


What an interesting formation, and well composed. I like that there’s one visible gap through the icicles; it draws my interest. The deep colors are just beautiful, like a watercolor painting! My only suggestion would be to try using a radial filter to lighten the center of the image a little while darkening the upper corners and top a tiny bit. Nice image!


Good eye! Love the colors as well as the square crop; this is framed quite nicely. The blues mixed with the subtle greens of the hidden moss just blend beautifully. The textures and detail throughout are wonderful.

I was thinking along the same lines as Steve - only my thought went to a vignette - accomplishing nearly the same thing.

No other suggestions really. Well seen and photographed.


Peter, the colors and textures in your image are excellent! The lichen under the ice adds so much interest to the scene. The ice formations along the center especially the one with the gap are great too. For some reason, something ominous comes to mind when I viewed your image. Perhaps it’s childhood nightmares of a monster. Awesome work!