
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Working on indoor/backporch photography …I saw the photo idea and took several shots…

Specific Feedback

The photo is a little soft. High ISO and my depth of field was limited trying to keep all points of the plant in focus and the screen porch very soft. I thought it came out kinda unigue with the colors and basic idea. posting this photo to get suggestions on different ideas on how everyones approach on taking a photo in low light and hand held…

Technical Details

High ISO and slow shutter speed. probably 60 shutter speed. F11 or 13… natural light. hand held and hope for the best.

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Gill, when I am dealing with low light I try to incorporate either a tripod or a flash so that I can keep the ISO down. I think in this situation I would have selected the flash to light the subject and lose the screen porch BG and whatever light there was in the BG shining through the screen unless of course, that was your vision to include that. I am so glad that you are trying different things, which is a great way to learn. I can’t think of the name of the plant, but I think you did well HH to get the stamen and the petal fairly sharp at somewhere around 1/60.

Thanks. I did want to keep the screen. If you look close you can see the screen. Gave it a different look. I’ve use the tripod in my macro shots of my Moms 100 year old violin. I’m always trying to find something different. For better or worse. So many great photographers out there.
I always use manual focus. Just had cataract surgery and bought Nikon D7500. So things have changed and improved.

Thanks for showing interest.

Peace to you :earth_americas::pray::earth_americas:

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I don’t have to look close to see the screen… But honestly I wonder what its unnatural texture is doing there, as a part of the composition. I’m afraid for me there is too much imbalance – a lot of heavy darks on the right and some bright areas on the left, and with one exiting the frame and one blown out right at the top of the flower. I also find it awkward that the tip of the spadix touches the top of the leaf/petal, and that the spadix is dark with all the brightness behind it pulling my attention. For me, there are just too many awkward elements that might have been tamed. “Different” is difficult.

I’d love to see pictures of the violin – it sounds like a wonderful subject, but probably not one suited to intentional awkwardness.

Thanks for your comments. It’s a real different photo idea. Because I see the world different I always try to make questions in my photography. I shot a door knob on a church and got questions after questions. But I told them look down when you turn the knob and open the door. I photographed that look.
The screen in this photo was my way of using it to create something unusual instead of pure black or just another background. Maybe abstract.
The shot is Soft and mellow.
A hippie making art.

Thanks for interest and comments. Very helpful and cool.

Peace to the Planet :earth_americas::pray::earth_americas:

I probably could crop it more at the top and reduce the hot spot. Thanks for suggestions …

i tried to change this shot but i’m not a graphic artist. couldn’t clone the hot spot and make it better. I did crop it but not much improvement. But its great to hear the comments and learn and thats why I joined the Network. Peace to All !!!